
The Okanagan section of the Alpine Club of Canada eagerly welcomes anyone seeking an encounter with nature through challenge, camaraderie, learning and fun. Our members enjoy a wide range of activities like rock climbing, ice climbing, alpine climbing, hiking, mountaineering, glacier travel, mountain biking, nordic skiing, alpine touring, telemark sking, ski mountaineering and snowshoeing. There are trips, courses, workshops and events offered at our section level and also by our national office. Each of these activities will help you develop your skills and have a good time. We are a club of volunteers so as a participant, we welcome your involvement!

Please Join us!

How to Join

New to the Okanagan?  Joining the Okanagan Section is easy!

All memberships with ACC Okanagan are processed through ACC National.

To Join the ACC Okanagan click on this link JOIN ACC OK NOW! and then follow the steps under membership to complete your application. Be sure to select ACC Okanagan as your affiliated Section. Once you have registered on the National site, please send us a quick email using the Contact Membership button to let us know and one of our executive will contact you and get you set up on our section email and notifications lists. It can take up to a week for ACC National to process your membership application, so by emailing us right away we can ensure that you do not miss out on any of our Section events, trips and activities.

If you wish to know specific information regarding the Okanagan Section, or if you have questions regarding any aspect of the ACC that are not answered on our web site, then you can Contact Membership and your questions will be answered.

Once you have joined the ACC Okanagan you will have access to our trips, courses, socials, and other activities. 

Whether you are a newbie or an experienced mountaineer, we would love to meet you & have you join us as a member or a trip leader.  Our members are an interesting and eclectic bunch – retirees, aspiring guides, soccer moms, weekend warriors, and hard core dirt bags from near and far.

For more information on the ACC Okanagan Section, regarding cost and benefits of Membership, click on More. . .